Monday, April 16, 2012

EFA Lean Gold with Tonalin CLA, 180 Softgels, From Labrada @ $19.49

EFA Lean Gold Essential Fatty Acid Blend To Reduce Body Fat And Increase Muscle Tone!

You would have to use at least 5 products to get what EFA Lean Gold provides in one convenient bottle. Instead of providing you with only a token amount of essential fatty acids (EFAs) as some companies do or providing you with a whole bottle of mostly one fatty acid as many flaxseed oil products do, EFA Lean Gold from Labrada provides you with not only optimal quantities of all three fatty acid groups = Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 in the healthful ratio of 2:1:1, but also CLA and GLA.

EFA Lean Gold Includes:

Omega-3, 6, & 9 essential fatty acids - vital for hemoglobin production, cell membrane mechanisms, cell division, oxygen transfer in cells, cardiovascular health, recovery from fatigue, growth, motor coordination, sustaining metabolic rate, immune function, supple tissues, smooth skin, cholesterol metabolism, hormone metabolism, and muscle tissue repair. 1,2 Conjugated Linoleic Acid to promote lean muscle while burning fat. In a recent, peer-reviewed, published study, subjects lost an average of 4 lbs of body fat while simultaneously gaining 3 lbs of lean muscle tissue in just 90 days. Subjects consumed the exact type and amount of CLA in just two servings of EFA Lean.3

Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA) - for its many beneficial effects in supporting the immune system.4 From a fat loss perspective, GLA is vital in supporting the production of two strong fat burning hormones...growth hormone and the body’s primary calorie burning hormone, thyroid hormone.

For more details visit

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