Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Off Cycle - Maximum Strength Formulation, 90 Capsules, From Fizogen @ $ 58.50

izogen Off Cycle Non-Androgenic/Testosterone Recovery Agent 
Off Cycle

The most effective non-hormonal bodybuilding supplement product ever developed. OFF CYCLE is a powerful non-androgenic blend of highly concentrated, premium quality ingredients designed for high bioavailability. This balanced ergogenic formulation is engineered as a agent to be used during the body's recovery period after a cycle of androgens.

Fizogen Off Cycle A high grade fusion of natural testosterone boosters consisting of an extremely potent extract of Tribulous Terrestris and Cissus Quadrangularis. These extracts yield a very high percentage of bioactive saponins, which are required in order to produce the desired response. Both of these compounds have been shown, in numerous studies, to dramatically increase natural testosterone production. 5-Methyl-7-Hydroxy-Isoflavone-Ethylcarbonate ester has also been added in a precise amount along with the essential nutrients of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B-6 to further stimulate natural testosterone production.

Fizogen Off Cycle A potent blend of ingredients including Inzitol, Taurine and Alpha Lipoic Acid designed to enhance insulin sensitivity and promote the uptake of glucose and nutrients into muscle cells. Also included is hydroxyisoleucine derived from Fenugreek extract. This compound helps to elevate the insulin increase normally experienced after the ingestion of carbohydrates. It may also selectively increase the uptake of glucose into muscle cells while simultaneously reducing glucose uptake into fat cells.

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