Volu-Gro Super-Hydrates Muscles For Instant Gains In Solid Mass!
Nutrex Research Inc. has developed Volu-Gro, which uses 60 grams of a very unique and ultra high-molecular weight carbohydrate called Long Chain Waxy Maize Starch per serving to accelerate creatine transport. Waxy Maize Starch is equally as potent in stimulating insulin as dextrose and maltodextrin, yet unlike these two sugars, Waxy Maize Starch is completely sugar free. Waxy Maize Starch passes through the stomach faster than dextrose or maltodextrin and therefore does not cause any discomfort. In doing so Waxy Maize Starch acts like a pump, pulling creatine and water along with it into the bloodstream. This ensures that creatine and insulin are present in the bloodstream at the same time. A much greater amount of creatine can now be transported into the muscles due to synchronized levels of creatine and insulin in the blood.
Additionally, if taken immediately after training, the Waxy Maize Starch element in Volu-Gro restores muscular glycogen (muscle energy) faster than dextrose or maltodextrin. This makes Volu-Gro the ideal post workout creatine formula since it not only delivers more creatine to the muscles, but also replenishes glycogen stores much quicker causing the muscle cells to become super-hydrated while speeding up recovery more efficiently than any other glucose polymer or monomer (dextrose, maltodextrin, sucrose, fructose etc.). The overall result is much greater muscle cell volumization, protein synthesis, and nutrient transport; all major factors contributing to enhanced muscle growth. The fusion of creatine with long chain waxy maize starch as seen in Volu-Gro has set a new standard in creatine supplementation.
For more details visit www.vitadigest.com
Nutrex Research Inc. has developed Volu-Gro, which uses 60 grams of a very unique and ultra high-molecular weight carbohydrate called Long Chain Waxy Maize Starch per serving to accelerate creatine transport. Waxy Maize Starch is equally as potent in stimulating insulin as dextrose and maltodextrin, yet unlike these two sugars, Waxy Maize Starch is completely sugar free. Waxy Maize Starch passes through the stomach faster than dextrose or maltodextrin and therefore does not cause any discomfort. In doing so Waxy Maize Starch acts like a pump, pulling creatine and water along with it into the bloodstream. This ensures that creatine and insulin are present in the bloodstream at the same time. A much greater amount of creatine can now be transported into the muscles due to synchronized levels of creatine and insulin in the blood.
Additionally, if taken immediately after training, the Waxy Maize Starch element in Volu-Gro restores muscular glycogen (muscle energy) faster than dextrose or maltodextrin. This makes Volu-Gro the ideal post workout creatine formula since it not only delivers more creatine to the muscles, but also replenishes glycogen stores much quicker causing the muscle cells to become super-hydrated while speeding up recovery more efficiently than any other glucose polymer or monomer (dextrose, maltodextrin, sucrose, fructose etc.). The overall result is much greater muscle cell volumization, protein synthesis, and nutrient transport; all major factors contributing to enhanced muscle growth. The fusion of creatine with long chain waxy maize starch as seen in Volu-Gro has set a new standard in creatine supplementation.
For more details visit www.vitadigest.com
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