Wednesday, October 10, 2012

TestoFX Hardcore, Male Libido Optimizer, 90 Capsules, From AllMax @$39.99

TestoFX Hardcore is a 5-stage male testosterone optimizer. This powerful new cutting edge approach to testosterone optimization increases active testosterone levels. The key ingredients in TestoFX Hardcore have been found to increase free testosterone levels! In short TestoFX Hardcore is a hardcore supplement formulated to reveal your testosterone's true potential.

TestoFX Hardcore is a powerful supplement that users can feel immediately, from the very first dose. The quality and purity of the ingredients in this formula are second to none. Allmax has been meticulous, even borderline obsessive-compulsive, in settling for nothing but the highest-potency ingredients found in the best research from around the world.

Testosterone - for centuries has been for athletes and bodybuilders seeking raw power, strength and size. Why? Virtually every science book ever written has attributed the ability to gain lean, hard, dense muscle to the quality of testosterone. Power, aggression, drive and dominant behavior; hormonal-biochemical traits that owe their maximal expression to the body’s ability to produce “active” (unbound) testosterone, then lock onto healthy unblocked receptors and react as designed. For the effects of testosterone to be fully expressed in the body, free testosterone must react in a healthy, unimpeded environment.

TestoFX Hardcore works with your body to optimize the natural production of testosterone and sets up a pro-testosterone environment to maximize effectiveness. Controlling for the key factors that block and reduce the expression and effectiveness of testosterone is critical.

The Testometer

TestoFX Hardcore is a 5-Stage Male Testosterone Optimizer. This powerful new cutting edge approach to testosterone optimization increases active testosterone levels.

Rise in free Testosterone produced by TestoFX Hardcore was quite significant. Results clearly indicate that key ingredients in TestoFX Hardcore have a positive effect on biologically active free Testosterone secretion.

Feel it from the very first dose. All of us have heard of hormones, many understand the basics but very few have a good mental picture of how hormones really function. This understanding of how hormones express the effects we can see and feel is essential to understanding how TestoFX Hardcore yields its extraordinary effects. Hormones are organic chemicals that are created by highly specialized glands throughout the body. They are released into the bloodstream and circulate until they “lock” onto a receptor that matches its specific shape. This is the “Lock and Key” metaphor that is most often used to describe the way hormones work.

There are two ways in which testosterone levels are measured within the blood. One is total serum testosterone levels and the other is total serum free testosterone. A large portion of the total testosterone you have within your body is bound, inactive testosterone. The bound testosterone has been “deactivated” by something called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) or proteins called albumin. Testosterone circulates in the plasma (liquid part of blood) either as free testosterone or attached to proteins (albumin and SHBG). In normal men 2% of testosterone is unbound, not attached to a protein, whereas the remaining testosterone is attached to a protein carrier (98%). The amount of hormone available for a testosterone receptor is dramatically reduced when it is bound to either albumin or SHBG, reducing its physiological effect.

This is common throughout the body and does not allow testosterone to lock onto receptor sites, thus rendering it inactive. In essence, if we follow the lock and key idea, SHBG deforms the “key” making bound testosterone unable to bind with testosterone receptors (the “lock”). When the lock and key don’t fit, you don’t experience the effects of testosterone.

This is the difference between active, free testosterone and the total testosterone level often referred to; a critical difference that must be understood to understand the optimization of testosterone. When active unbound testosterone locks onto a healthy and clean androgen receptor, typically found within skeletal muscle cells, the muscle cell is programmed to increase the synthesis of proteins required to increase muscle mass.

An increased rate of protein synthesis results in a reduction of muscle tissue breakdown and an increase in overall muscle strength, density and size. A marked reduction in muscle breakdown (catabolism) and increased muscle production (anabolism) at the cellular level is a must if you want to build lean, powerful muscle capable of explosive lifts. Simply stated, if testosterone is the supercharged race car, then DHEA is the high-octane fuel.
For more details

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