Saturday, January 15, 2011

Acne Formula - Acneadvance Clinically Proven Nutrients for Healthy Skin and Complexion

Acne, a common skin problem bothering all ages, especially teenage, is often considered a bane. Approximately, three out of every four teenagers suffer from it, with data slightly down in the case of adults. Acne is a consequence of microscopic holes on the skin called pores, becoming clogged and accumulating dirt (environmental or due to contact with dirty hands) & bacteria.

Normally, Sebaceous (oil) glands secrete sebum (oil), necessary for lubricating skin cells. Now, people suffering with acne have overactive glands, due to which excess oil gets stuck in pores, creating a blockade in the follicle. Stress, sub-standard cosmetics, hormonal changes, and unbalanced diet are some key causes of acne. While stress triggers the oil glands resulting in excess secretions, oily cosmetics & environmental pollutants work towards pores being laden with harmful bacteria P. acnes. The bacteria shoot an anaerobic reaction, which lead to pustules, inflammation, and acne over a period. On the diet front, researchers believe that foods rich in carbohydrates with high glycemic index shoot up glucose levels in body, eventually climaxing to acne breakout. On the other hand, foods high in protein & low in carbohydrates have low glycemic index and therefore, discourage acne formation.

Several ointments & supplements are flooding the market today. We at present to you a wide range of acne formulas, helping you get a clear skin. Our AcneAdvance Tablets by Futurebiotics is a known champion in the field. Praventin, LinumLife, and Zinc, present in the blend, improve the skin texture by leveraging the body's hormone levels and reducing redness & inflammation associated with a weak complexion. For optimal results, this & the other acne formulas should be administered in combination with a multi-vitamin and a well-balanced diet proportioned of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, & Vitamin A & Zinc rich food. Good nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and effective stress reduction techniques go a long way in benefiting both, your physical and emotional well-being that shows!

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