Monday, February 28, 2011

Sore Throat Relief: Simple, Yet Effective Remedies

Sore throat is a feeling of excoriation and the related discomfort, often associated with inflammation or blisters on the inner lining of throat. Strep throat infection caused by bacteria, that are responsible for common cold and influenza, is among the common factors leading to sore throat. More than 18 millions people in the United States alone visit the doctor annually to get treated for this ailment. However, an increasing number of patients now prefer herbal blends over medications that are held responsible for introducing unwanted chemicals and side-effects in the body.

Moreover, the natural remedies for sore throat are equally effective and have no side-effects associated with them. One of the simplest sore throat remedies is saltwater gargles. Gargling regularly can relieve one from the pain and swelling. Mango bark can be grinded to prepare a fluid that can be applied externally to attain relief. Cinnamon, in the powder form, can be boiled in water and mixed with pepper powder & honey to obtain a useful potion for sore throat. Among other useful remedies is the bishop’s weed. The infusion of the seeds of this herb can be mixed with common salt and used for gargle.

The symptoms of sore throat can also be alleviated by drinking warm beverages. Honey or lemon teas, for example, are among the recommended therapeutic drinks for quick relief. Ginger tea is another useful solution for treat soreness, as well as, a number of symptoms of cold. Diet consisting of fresh fruits and fruit juices is helpful in lessening the severity of the situation. In addition, there are various natural supplements available that are certified safe and effective sore throat remedies. These supplements are prepared from natural herbs, like holy basil and licorice. Besides, there are certain mineral supplements containing zinc, Vitamin C, and natural herbs, such as Echinacea, that boost the immune system to resist the recurrence of the infections.

Experts recommend different sore throat medicines and supplements, depending upon the severity of the problem. Consult an expert to find the most suitable option for you.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ways to Treat Snoring

Snoring has long been held responsible for disrupting relationships. Though the problem was earlier seen as smaller from the medical perspective, some recent studies have underlined the serious health consequences associated with it.

Why is snore a serious matter?

Snoring may indicate ‘sleep apnea,’ a severe form of sleeping disorder. If not treated at the right time, it may worsen and lead to other health issues, like abnormal blood pressure, stroke, & heart diseases. Snoring is more apparent in men as they have narrower air passages, though a considerable number of women too are affected by the syndrome.

What causes this problem and what are the remedies?

Lifestyle Factors

One of the most common factors responsible for heavy snoring is obesity. Therefore, the first step towards dealing with this problem is to get rid of abnormal body weight and to get in the best form. Your sleeping postures may also contribute to this issue. For instance, sleeping flat on the back should be avoided to lessen down your snores. Hectic routines and fatigue are other key culprits. Ensure that you have fixed sleeping schedules and avoid keeping up until late in the night. Go for morning walks and take up light exercises. Deep breathing is one of the recommended yoga exercises to alleviate the condition. Avoid smoking and cut down on alcohol as these stimulants relax the muscles and cause heavy snoring. Another good idea is to keep your nasal passages clean. Use a humidifier in the room to prevent the air from drying up. Inhaling dry air may also aggravate the snores.

Conventional Treatments

Some of the common forms of therapy include drops, sprays, tablets, respiratory devices, dental fixtures, nasal insertions, and surgery.

Natural Remedies

Natural snoring supplements are sage remedies that can effectively deal with this disorder. Formulations based on herbs, such as ginger, valerian, goldenseal, peppermint, and other similar ingredients are highly useful in treating different levels of snoring problem. This line of treatment is considered better than allopathic medications and surgical procedures. Always consult an expert before embarking upon any type of therapy. Moreover, it is very important to seek support from your partner or other family members to prevent snoring from affecting for your most valuable relationships.

Different Ways to Beat Stress

In today’s world, people undergoing the daily grind, face stress on a number of different fronts. Right from on-the-job performance to children’s education, there is no dearth of draining situations. Stress is linked to several serious medical conditions, including heart ailments and nervous breakdown. Not everyone’s body reacts in the same way to mental pressure. Nevertheless, prolonged stress is responsible for reducing the overall longevity. The society is growing more aware of the ill-effects of present-day lifestyle and the ways to counter them. No wonder stress relief has become a highly searched term on the internet.

A number of alternative methodologies have come up for stress management. While some methods are effective stress-busters, others are complementary methods that assist the stress-busting measures. Several stress relief options, in the form of dietary supplements, are available in the online and offline marketplaces. These supplements help in normalizing the blood pressure, apart from curing issues, like anxiety and depression. Other related symptoms of stress, such as fatigues and headaches, are also treated with medicinal aid. Herbal supplements are gaining popularity as effective alternatives to the conventional allopathic medicines that lead to various side-effects. Most of the naturally prepared formulations are free of side-effects and they do not interfere with other drugs.

While stress relief supplements are good treatment options, some supplementary lifestyle changes are essential to achieve the desired results. Choose your diet carefully and take light meals at regular intervals. Skipping meals can deteriorate the situation. At the same time, late dinners can contribute towards stress buildup. Avoid alcohol and beverages, such as fizzy drinks, tea, and coffee, in excess. Some simple stress-relieving exercises can be integrated in the routine. For instance, squeezing stress balls and yoga can go a long way in helping release your stress. Maintain a healthy sex life - one of the best ways to keep the stress at bay. Aromatherapy and massage are other good techniques that help alleviate mental pressure and anxiety. Most importantly, you should spend time with your loved ones and indulge in activities that keep you happy, leaving no void to be filled by stress.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Varicose Veins: Prevention and Cure

What do varicose veins mean?

Sometimes veins in the legs twist, swell, and visibly bulge out abnormally. Such veins are known as varicose veins. Though back of the legs are the most vulnerable spots, this syndrome can occur almost anywhere in the body. This health issue may or may not be associated with pain, but the treatment is essential to prevent deteriorating conditions, such as skin ulcers, cancer (carcinoma), sarcoma, blood clotting, fat necrosis, etc. Before exploring the treatment options, one must learn about the factors responsible for the onset of this issue.

How to avoid this condition?

The problem is more prominent among women and it is mainly associated with heredity. Besides, pregnancy and menopause are also among the lead causes. Leg injury, old age, frequent constipation, and overweight can also contribute to varicose veins. The situation can be easily avoided through regular exercising and by avoiding prolonged, incorrect stance. It is also recommended to maintain right postures while sitting and to avoid tight-fitting wardrobe entries.

What to do if you are caught?

Once you develop varicose veins, you need to follow a particular diet plan. Right type of nutrition helps in alleviating the problem. Food rich in fiber content is recommended for the patients suffering from varicose veins. Blueberries and other fresh fruits & vegetables should also form part of the regular diet. Foods containing saturated fats and high salt or sugar contents should be avoided. Smoking and alcohol must be completely restrained.

Can dietary supplements help?

A number of health supplements are available in the market to help reduce the impact of this medical problem to a large extent. Formulations containing flavonoids and Vitamin C are among the most effective natural remedies for damaged veins. Experts also recommend bromelain-based blends. It is advisable to consult a medical professional before choosing any supplement for this purpose.

What are the conventional therapies?

Laser treatments, surgical procedures, and stripping are some other healing options. However, they are not considered as safe and convenient as a health supplements course. It is very important to maintain right body weight and follow an active lifestyle. All factors contribute greatly towards the improvement from the condition.

Women’s Nutrition: Significance and Ways to Achieve

Nutritional needs of both the genders are more or less different. While both require some nutrients in varying quantities, a few additional ones are recommended especially for women or men. Often, females require greater care than males. Many points can be reasoned out to establish this difference. Women have to go through phases, like menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause. Each of these phases is directly linked to a number of physiological changes, including hormonal levels. This explains why a female nutritional needs vary among different age groups. For instance, women require more of iron in their diet when they lose it every month during menstruation and therefore, post menopause the requirement of iron is reduced. The need for additional dietary supplements varies during periods, like pregnancy and lactation.

A healthy and balanced meal is indeed the natural way of fulfilling female nutritional needs. Fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are among the most recommended food items. Calcium is another very important mineral for women as they are at a higher risk of attaining bone loss and osteoporosis than men. Plant-based foods rich in calcium are essential items in everyday diet. Healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and magnesium are other key ingredients. At the same time, it is important to cut down the excessive intake of dairy products, trans fats, refined and processed foods. Vitamins are essential for energizing the body and keeping hair & skin healthy.

Vitamin A, C, & E are excellent antioxidants that protect body cells against free radicals. Multivitamin supplements work effectively to fill the nutritional gap left due to poor eating habits. These supplements are available in the form of tablets, powdered milk additives, and liquid supplements. Always consult your physician before administering any new vitamin course. Keeping an eye on women nutrition is critical as it helps delay the onset of aging and prevents serious medical conditions.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Are Anti-aging Measures?

We have all good reasons to get anxious about maturing age. Aging means silver streaks in the hair, weakening of bones, and loss of vitality apart from many other forms of degradation. More alarming revelations have come up in the recent times, pointing out at debilitating signs of aging at much early stage among a large section of population worldwide. Hectic lifestyles, improper diets, lack of physical workouts, and environmental pollution are just a few culprits responsible for accelerated deterioration of the body. Fortunately, there is growing awareness among the medical fraternity and people at large, about the various anti-aging support measures that have proven effective.

A new class of supplements to reverse the signs of aging has surfaced on the scene. These supplements work on the symptoms to regain some of the lost vitality and slow down the process of maturing. Ingestible form of human growth hormones, for example, acts in a number of ways to boost vitality. Skin is often the most visibly affected part. Therefore, doing away with wrinkles and fine lines is one of the first steps adopted to beat the aging blues. Fatigue and lack of energy are other unpleasant consequences that come with growing age. The allopathic and herbal solutions also help improve the physical, as well as, psychological state of a graying body.

Anti-aging and vitality supplements also work by improving bone density and enhancing the ability of the skeletal structure to withstand the wear and tear. The process of aging affects an individual’s mood and is associated with issues, like improper sleeping patterns. All such undesirable effects can be tackled by selecting the right type of supplements. Apart from this, a regular balanced diet also paves the road to success. Take out time to exercise and reduce the consumption of alcohol. Most importantly, lead a cheerful life and spend some quality time with your friends and family!

Weight Loss for Women

How many times do you find yourself thinking, “If only I could lose 10 pounds….”? It is hard to find a woman who is satisfied with her body weight and does not want to change a thing about it. A fundamental anatomy of a woman is different from that of a man and many-a-times the reasons for obesity can be very different. For instance, those extra pounds could be due to some hormonal changes related to menopause, conditions like PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), or pregnancy. Women in their late thirties or in pre-menopausal phase, often find it hard to lose weight. It is an imperative to consult your doctor before starting a weight loss program to rule out any medical conditions responsible for the weight gain.

Women today are juggling between managing homes, children, and high-flying corporate jobs, which leave them with very little personal time. Every lady wants to look attractive and it is natural for her to get influenced by the glamour world and media that glorifies the slim feminine forms. They fall prey to various marketing gimmicks and experiment with pills, potions, and gadgets with hope to achieve a quick fix. There is a crucial need for women to understand that to remain healthy, strong, & active, they need to maintain an ideal weight and not necessarily be stick thin. The best way to find out if you are really overweight is to calculate your body mass index (BMI). Here’s the formula:

BMI= [weight / (height x height)] x 703

The weight in the above formula should be in lbs (pounds). If your BMI is between 25 and 30 then you may be considered overweight.

The best way to lose weight is by either decreasing your calorie intake, or accelerate the calorie burning process of the body. Following are some of the simple, yet effective ways for weight management:

  • Eat smart - No crash dieting. Have small frequent meals. Count your calories and stick to healthy food groups, like whole grains, fruits, & vegetables. Avoid junk foods.
  • Regulate your weight - Do not obsess over a slim figure. Find your ideal weight and start working towards it.
  • Find time for exercise - Nothing beats the afterglow of a good workout. Find a good exercise routine that best suits your lifestyle. You can start with 20-minute walk routines.
  • Seek help – Supplement your diet wisely. You can take advice from your doctor or a qualified nutrition expert to choose safe and appropriate weight-loss supplements.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Candida Cleanse

Candida is natural yeast found in the lining of mouth and the intestinal tract of humans. Its presence is usually not linked to any problems. However, its abnormal levels can lead to fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, allergies, mood swings, headaches, frequent colds & flu, constipation, or diarrhea. The disruption of the Candida Balance is usually due to the following factors, such as sedentary lifestyle, preserved foods, high usage of unwanted antibiotics, work related stress, and inhalation of toxins, like mercury & lead.

Candida cleanse is a treatment for infections caused by the yeast present in disproportionate quantities. One of the ways to administer this treatment is to make some alterations in the diet. Include avocado, asparagus, cauliflower, celery, okra, onions, onions, peppers, spinach, etc. in daily meals. Yogurt, probiotics, fish, eggs, dry fruits, millets, brown rice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, garlic, turmeric, rosemary, etc. are other excellent remedies for yeast infections. Avoid citrus fruits, beverages, fizzy drinks, alcohol, mushrooms, mustard, spices, vinegar, sugar, soya sauce, honey, chocolate, and excess oil. Exercise also plays a major role in the Candida cleanse treatment. Walking and cycling can do a world of good to the body. Stress levels should be kept under control; otherwise, it may disrupt the treatment. Candida cleanse treatment may be required once or twice a year unless the desired results are achieved.

The conventional treatment is a three step process. The first phase of a focused cleansing program includes detoxification. Enemas, colonics, laxative fibers, or oxygen colon cleansing are some of the methods employed for eliminating the unwanted quantity of yeast from the body. During the second phase, the yeast is taken out with the aid of antibiotics and other medicines. The third phase is about restoring the desired bacteria in the digestive tract, which could have been eliminated during the treatment. Probiotics and dietary supplements are recommended towards this end. Vitamin C and Bitons are two vitamins that assist the colon cleanse. Supplements that contain dandelion root, milk thistle, burdock root, and Vitamin C help effective liver functioning during the process of a Candida cleanse.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Adrenal Support

The adrenal glands are two walnut sized, triangular shaped organs resting on top of each kidney. These glands produce cortisone and secrete adrenalin. Cortisone is an anti-inflammatory steroid hormone that helps in regulating the salt and fluid balance in the body, while adrenalin is a neurotransmitter hormone that speeds up the rate of metabolism to encounter stressful situations. Adrenal glands regulate the basic functions of the body, like production of energy, determining response to stressful situations, and controlling moods.

The functioning capacity of the adrenal glands tends to get affected under adverse circumstances, which cause continuous stress for long periods. These include emotional turmoil, exposure to chemical toxins, certain prescription medicines, poor dietary habits, lack of sleep, and anxiety. Adrenal glands have to work harder in these conditions that lead to their overuse and eventually, impairment. The malfunctioning of adrenal glands is often manifested in symptoms, such as fatigue, insomnia, recurrent infections due to decreased immunity, mood swings, food cravings, and digestive problems. Prolonged distress may cause permanent weakening of the glands, leading to reduced blood sugar, low blood pressure, lowered body temperature, and a feeling of complete exhaustion.

It is crucial to diagnose adrenal fatigue and address the underlying cause, instead of merely treating the symptoms. Making a few lifestyle changes is probably the first and foremost step. Adopting a positive and optimistic outlook towards life certainly helps. Incorporating healthy eating habits, quitting smoking, giving up alcohol, sleeping well, and adopting effective relaxation techniques, like deep breathing, yoga, meditation, as well as, aromatherapy, massages, and sauna go a long way in ensuring a revival of the adrenal glands.

Nutritional supplements designed specifically to cater to the needs of individuals undergoing stress and requiring adrenal support, are readily available in the market. These are enriched with key herbs, nutrients, & synthesized hormones that help restore and replenish overworked, weakened adrenal glands. Visit, web’s most trusted health store to browse through our wide variety of listed products from reputed manufacturers. Place an order now to avail our special discounted prices, secure shipping, and excellent customer service. Do your shopping first, buy at!

Personal Care - Blood Pressure Support

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a growing concern with a large section of the society. Blood pressure can be defined as the pressure with which the blood is pumped into the heart through the arteries. Blood pressure is classified into two types:

  • Systolic pressure: This pressure is achieved at the point of maximum contraction during the pumping out of blood. The average rate at this point is 120 beats per minute.
  • Diastolic pressure: This is the pressure developed when the heart rests between the two consecutive heartbeats. The average rate is 80 beats per minute.

The normal pressure is often described as ’120 over 80' or 120/80.

Lot of research is going on to help produce medicines for the better blood pressure management. There are various categories of allopathic medicines, including ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, alpha blockers, beta blockers, diuretics, and so on. However, the strong chemicals present in some of these medicines have been linked to various side-effects. These concerns paved the way to the herbal alternatives. Organic cardiac support medicines utilize the ancient Asian knowledge to formulate effective products with minimum side-effects. Such supplements 80% to 100% herbal ingredients that blend naturally with the body functions. Additional benefits often include stress reduction, insomnia relief, muscular contortion prevention, etc.

Some of the popular herbs used in natural heart medications are:

  • White Sandalwood - helps reduce heat and pressure from the heart, lungs, and skin
  • Nutmeg - used as a stress reliever and also helps in digestion problems
  • Garlic similar blood thinning action as aspirin; may interfere with other allopathic medication
  • Saxifrage - excellent remedy for temperature management, particularly that of gall bladder and liver
  • Hawthorn – superior remedy for diastolic pressure; does not interact with any other form of drugs
  • Fish oil a powerful source of DHA and EPA, good for maintaining normal blood pressure
  • Safflower - controls impurity in blood and prevents hemorrhages; repairs ruptured blood vessels and heals liver disorders

The above list is inclusive. Many more alternative herbal blends can do wonders for hypertension. However, just like allopathic line of treatment, natural remedies should also be taken under expert guidance only.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Acidophilus is a probiotic. This friendly bacteria offer a number of health benefits. It boosts overall immunity of the body, helps in controlling blood cholesterol, treating acne & other skin disorders, like sores and blisters, aiding & strengthening digestion, controlling bad breath, protecting from vaginal infections, and preventing cancer. These bacteria exist naturally in the body, primarily in the small intestine and vagina. They are self-sustaining organisms. However, external factors, for example oral antibiotics, inadequate fiber intake, ingestion of environmental toxins (due to pollution, smoking, etc.), and so on, may diminish their numbers. If the overall count of these friendly bacteria is reduced, digestion can be impaired such that the body does not assimilate the full nutritional value of foods. The immunity is also weakened and causes increased susceptibility to common colds, flu, diarrhea, & to other digestive disorders.

Acidophilus has not been approved for use in the treatment of any disease. It is merely recommended as a dietary supplement and should never be substituted for prescribed medicines. However, many alternative healing therapies consider Acidophilus for a wide range of health benefits. The bacteria are obtained naturally from the daily diet rich in cultured dairy products, like yogurt and cheese. For the lactose intolerant people, it can be obtained from fermented products and foods, like carrots, beans, & rice.

Acidophilus is now also available as a dietary supplement in various health stores as well as online health portals in the form of liquid, wafers, or capsules. These supplements work quickly and effectively due to the high concentration of bacteria per gram. Administer the supplements only under the direction of a registered medical practitioner for optimal digestion and strong immunity. Visit, your most trusted treasure of health supplements, to choose the right products from a wide array of items on offer to suit your individual needs. Order now to avail our special discounted prices, secure shipping, and excellent customer service. Do your shopping first, buy at!

How Does Appetite Suppressant Facilitate Weight Loss?

Appetite suppressants form a class of drugs that promote weight loss by suppressing the eating capacity, usually excessive or obsessive, of an individual. Research proves that the obese people are often voracious eaters and find difficult to gain control on their desire to eat. Appetite suppressing drugs enhance the levels of neurotransmitters, called serotonin or catecholamines in brain, signaling the body to eat less than usual. Two mutually linked objectives are achieved from the administration of these drugs – reduction in longing for food and achievement of sensation of fullness.

The appetite suppressants first came into the public notice when the FDA approved them, back in 1959. Since then, a number of appetite suppressing drugs have made their way to the market. Phentermine, Meridia, Xenical, and Redux have been among the popular drugs for appetite suppression, though some of them were later withdrawn due to side-effects. Natural supplements prepared from herbal extracts have gained popularity in the recent times. Garcinia cambogia, hoodia, and Paulina cupana are some of the known ingredients used in these. Wood betony is a herbal formulation that is recommended as safe for children and teenagers.

Not all of these drugs are free from side-effects. While dry mouth, difficulty in sleeping, and restless are some mild side-effects, more severe reactions, such as abnormal blood pressure and increased pulse have also been reported. However, these effects usually surface due to wrong selection of an appetite suppressant or ignorance of individual requirements. Expert consultation is essentially considered before choosing any of these drugs.

Appetite suppressants can help one lose weight between 5 to 22 pounds, exact results differing from person to person. Monitoring the progress on a weekly basis can help one adjudge the effectiveness of a particular supplement. However, there is always a potential risk of re-gaining weight once these drugs are stopped. It is important to adopt a healthy diet plan and regular exercise regime along with the use of appetite suppressants. This helps in maintaining the optimal weight, even if you stop taking these drugs after few months.

How Are Anti-Estrogen Solutions Useful?

Estrogen functions as the primary sex hormones in women. However, like others, it is present in both female and male bodies in varying degrees. Though helpful in a number of ways, its excessive presence can trigger some health issues. Weight gain or obesity is one of the commonest consequences of abnormal estrogen levels. Concern that is more serious can be the feminizing of male body characteristics. Breast formation and loss of sex drive are among the leading conditions affecting men in western countries. On the other hand, breast tenderness, anxiety, migraines, and heart palpitations result from the above normal estrogen concentration in women.

To counter these ill-effects, anti-estrogen solutions have gained importance in the recent times. Guided diet plans help in checking the excess of hormone buildup in both the genders. These plans work upon the principles of detoxification. Adding recommended food items, such as nuts, eggs, citrus fruits, and cruciferous vegetables to one’s regular diet helps in achieving the desired results in this direction.

The other category of anti-estrogen formulas constitutes diet supplements and medications. These supplements are extremely popular among men pursuing bodybuilding or active sports. Such medicinal products perform twin functions of controlling the production of estrogen and promoting that of testosterone. To bring the best out of anti-estrogen solutions, try to minimize exposure to products that promote the hormone’s production. For example, you can inspect the contents on product packaging and give up on soaps, shampoos & cosmetic products, containing such ingredients in large amounts. Certain foods, especially those grown with excessive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, too, are responsible for the introduction of estrogen-producing substances. Household products, including cleaning solutions and toiletries are among the other sources of these chemicals.

Not every anti-estrogen solution is effective, though. In fact, few of them may trigger certain side-effects. Therefore, the selection of these solutions should be done based on extended research, vendor reputation, and expert guidance.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Herbal Detox Tea – A Body Cleansing Solution

Human beings, in the current environment, are more prone to toxins as compared to the people, who lived in bygone eras. Harmful substances are present in the form of chemical particles and exhaust fumes in the air that we breathe in. Unfortunately, the food we eat and water we drink, too, act as powerful sources of contaminants. Detoxification of body is important to attain healthy living and general well-being. Herbal detox tea is one of the most commonly recommend solutions to help body get rid of such poisonous foreign material.

Herbal detox tea is a special variety of beverage, prepared by combining dried herbal ingredients. Different organic substances have different properties, which when combined, produce synergetic effects. Cascara Sagrada, for example, is a plant with laxative properties that help in colon cleansing. Tea prepared using the combination of lemon and cayenne is also useful in this direction. There are herbs with diaphoretic properties, aiding detoxification through perspiration. Peppermint and yarrow flowers are among the most popular plant products of this type. Besides, there are herbs which help in detoxification through blood purification. A popular herbal tea blend for blood purification can be prepared by combining roots of dandelion and burdock with chickweed leaves.

Detoxification of the body also involves liver and kidney cleansing. For liver detoxification, detox tea prepared from the combination of herbs, like milk thistle, fennel, dandelion root, burdock root, mugwort, and ginger is an effective solution. You can combine horsetail, stinging nettle, St. John’s wart, and knotgrass to prepare organic formulation for kidney detoxification. It is important to know the doses of these teas that required for the desired results. In addition, these solutions work better at certain hours of the day. For example, tea prepared from diaphoretic herbs should be consumed empty stomach in the morning for best benefits.

Remember that not every herb is suitable for all. You must consult an expert in herbal products for choosing safe and useful herbs for your body.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5–HTP is Essential for the Normal Functioning of Brain

Human brain controls mood, behavior, and the other traits reflecting the normal mental state. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which aids the brain in controlling these characteristics. This essential compound for its production is highly dependent upon 5–hydroxytryptophan (5–HTP), which in turn is obtained from tryptophan, a natural amino acid. 5–HTP is responsible for controlling the level of serotonin and its deficiency can trigger a number of health issues.

Depression, insomnia, sleep apnea, migraine, and headaches are some of the many issues that may result from the deficiency of 5 – HTP. This is the reason why this chemical has been the center of focus among researchers all over the world. Unfortunately, we cannot assimilate 5-HTP directly from our diet. One good idea to replenish it is by consuming diet rich in tryptophan, which gets converted into 5–HTP inside the body. Bakes potatoes, beans, eggs, fish, lentils, meat, nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, soy milk, turkey, and many other food items are rich in tryptophan. If you have acute 5–HTP deficiency, it can’t be adequately replenished through diet alone. You have to rely upon 5–HTP supplements, which are available in the form of tablets, capsules, and powder. The seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia, an African tree, act as a major source of these supplements.

Apart from curing the issues mentioned above, 5–HTP supplements have been found effective in treating other problems resulting from the deficiency of serotonin - fibromyalgia, narcolepsy, & bulimia are some of these issues. Besides, these supplements are also considered effective for weight loss and for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. 5–HTP supplements nowadays enjoy a legal status, though FDA controlled their sale earlier. These supplements are known to cause mild side-effects, like nausea, heartburn, and the feeling of fullness. Health experts recommend 50 mg of these supplements per day for adults and they are strictly prohibited for children, pregnant women, and elderly people. These supplements are restricted for those taking medications, such as anti-depressants, tricyclic medications, anti-Parkinson medications, antibiotics, and weight loss medications, because of possible interactions. Make sure that you are under medical surveillance while using these supplements.

Useful Ways to Reduce Cholesterol and Promote Good Heart Health

Do you know that each cell of your body has its membrane made up of cholesterol? Cholesterol in good form and at desired level is helpful in facilitating a number of body functions. However, it may turn into a nightmare if its level increases beyond normal value, leading to heart attacks, coronary diseases, and even premature death. Cholesterol management should be one of the top priorities in everyone’s health routine. There are various ways to approach this. First, you must know that cholesterol exists in the form of two components – low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) and high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). While LDLs constitute bad cholesterol, HDLs are the good cholesterol constituents. Cholesterol reduction is possible either by decreasing the value of LDLs or by increasing the number of HDLs. Eating a balanced diet is one good way to achieve this.

The researchers at Stanford University emphasize on higher consumption of whole grain, fruits, legumes, and oatmeal towards cholesterol reduction. Similarly, the specialists at University of Kentucky College of Medicine strongly recommend oatmeal, as it lowers down LDLs without significantly affecting HDLs. Reduce the consumption of food items, like red meat, cheese, and desserts with high sugar content, including cookies, cakes, & chocolates. Also, it is essential to limit saturated fats in diet, while trans fats must be completely avoided, if possible.

Always combine good diet with regular exercise regime to reduce bad cholesterol. Effective stress management is also important because tension can enhance the level of bad cholesterol in bloodstream. Smoking destroys HDLs and should therefore be given up. Some cholesterol reduction drugs, like statin, fibrates, & bile acid sequestrants, significantly lower down the percentage of LDLs, when taken as per strict medical prescriptions. Natural supplements, such as niacin, guggul, circumin, and calcium citrate are gaining importance as healthy alternatives to reduce cholesterol.

The level of cholesterol should help you decide upon the methods of cholesterol reduction best suitable for you. It’s never too late to begin. So, get an appointment with your heart-specialist today!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Organic Herbal Tea: The Ideal Health Option

These days, the chemically originated and genetically engineered foods & beverages are plaguing the world. Understanding the health implications, people around the world are going organic. Organic herbal tea, for example, is regarded a good replacement for soda-based beverages, high-carb soft drinks, and coffee. Many positive qualities make organically grown teas a healthy option. To begin with, while some types of organic teas are apt remedies for people suffering from digestive system disorders, the others help alleviate inflammation of the mucus membrane. In addition, gastrointestinal disorders and acid reflux are some other issues certain herbal blends address effectively.

Consuming organic tea is useful in soothing the nerves because of its antidepressant qualities. In fact, these organic beverage formulas control a number of mental conditions, including anxiety and stress. Sleeping disorder is one of the commonest health issues affecting millions of people around the world. A regular intake of organic teas has proved to be helpful in assuaging these problems. Almost all varieties of herbal brews relieve heartburn. Herbs, like Oregon grape root, mint, dandelion leaves, and marshmallow root are excellent for liver health and the prevention of gallstones. Similarly, dandelion root, milk thistle, red clover, sarsparilla root, Echinacea, etc. are good detox agents.

Organic teas promote overall well-being by energizing the body and keeping the mind refreshed. They are also helpful in improving the blood circulation. People suffering from sore throat, urinary tract problems, respiratory disorders, skin irritations, hay fever, etc. find herbal teas as wonderful remedies. Different varieties of organic herbal teas are obtained from flowers, roots, seeds, and the other parts of plants, grown organically. Some of the most popular of these beverages include chamomile tea, peppermint tea, marshmallow tea, dandelion tea, and lavender tea. A word with an herbal expert can help you choose the right type of herbal tea. A word with an herbal expert can help you choose the variety of organic herbal tea suited to your health.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Body Deodorants

Deodorants are chemically synthesized or organically blended substances applied to the body in order to eliminate body odor, caused due to sweating. Sweating is a normal physiological function, designed to cool off the body when exposed to heat and/or humidity. Perspiration is actually beneficial for us, as it prevents the body temperature from going beyond the normal limits. Sweat in itself is an odorless, salty liquid. However, when it encounters the bacteria on skin and hair, it begins emitting foul smell. In practical life, a sweaty and smelly body can be offensive to others. Deodorants are designed to eliminate, reduce, or at least conceal irritating body stink by deactivating the functioning of odor-causing bacteria. In effect, they have emerged as convenient safeguards against social embarrassment and personal discomfort.

Deodorants are available in the form of ready to use sprays as well as sticks, which can be easily rolled on the skin of the armpits. Deodorants are essential toiletries that have become an integral part of the daily self-care regime in the modern lifestyle. Ideally, good hygiene begins with keeping the skin clean and is a key to minimizing body odor. Have a daily bath using good quality soaps, body scrubs, and shower gels to hamper bacterial growth on the skin. Always follow a particularly strenuous and sweaty exercise session with a bath. Apply a safe and effective deodorant for lingering fragrance.

An anti-perspirant is type of deodorant. It works by clogging the pores with powerful astringents so that they cannot release sweat, whereas other deodorants simply neutralizing or mask the smell of sweat through antiseptic action against the bacteria. Amidst speculations, so far, there is no proof of any link between anti-perspirants and cancer., your trusted online store offers you a wide array of deodorants and anti-perspirants to keep you refreshed and energized through the day! Visit our website and place your order today to avail competitive prices, free shipping offers, and excellent customer service. Do your shopping first, buy at!

Fat Burners

‘Losing weight and getting fit’ is perhaps one of the commonest as well as the most easily broken personal resolutions. It is an undeniable fact that a balanced diet, combined with a proper exercise regime is the surest means to achieve success here. This however, requires much perseverance, discipline, and dedication. Depending upon the body type and the degree of excess fat, deposits, the results may take some time to show. This often disheartens many and most of them give up on their efforts. Several anti-fat products, like fat burners, appetite suppressants, as well as fat blockers, speed up the weight loss process, thereby helping people in their quest of achieving a perfect body.

Fat-burners are clinically proven food supplements that help oxidize accumulated body fat. Available in capsule, pill, or powder forms, these products come with specified dosages. However, you should be aware of the fact that many of these products are often enriched with caffeine, which serves as an effective ingredient to speed up the metabolism. Google “fat burners” and you will get an overwhelming number of results. The claims most of them make, seem exaggerated, and often leave us perplexed about their authenticity & effectiveness. Some of the seemingly genuine products have proved to be extremely harmful and even fatal.

How to ensure you get onto the right products? Check for parameters, like assured quick & long-term results, minimal side effects, superior ingredients quality, FDA approval, money-back guarantee, and reliable testimonials & customer reviews. These products are no substitute for any form of physical exercise. Regular body activity keeps us fit, provides strength, and tones muscles, apart from burning calories. Most people are able to achieve excellent results using a potent combination of fat burners, nutritious diet, and a moderate exercise regime. offers a wide array of products designed to suit individual requirements. We feature tried and tested products from reputed vendors. By transacting through our website, you can avail our special discounted prices, free shipping offers, and receive excellent customer service. Do your shopping first, buy at!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Zhena’s Gypsy Tea

Zhena, the inspirational women entrepreneur, offers some of the finest tea blends. Zhena’s Gypsy Tea was created in response to a mother’s need to raise funds for her child’s illness. Zhen’s son Sage was born with a severe birth-related disease. To support his medical bills, she first began selling her teas in a cart with Sage in a carriage beside. Soon her efforts paid off. Sage recovered his illness and Zhena’s Gypsy Tea became a worker-friendly, household name.

In her words, “I dedicate the company to empower the tea workers worldwide. We are 100% certified Organic and 100% certified Fair Trade.” Zhena’s Gypsy Tea offers a wide range of combinations made from organic leaves, healthful flowers, herbs, spices, fruits, and essential oils. In this video, Zhena gives a firsthand account of how the master chefs value her teas and how they can form a part of some of the most delicious cuisines. She hosts a whole group of people who have come a long way especially to taste her blends. Apart from the served delicacies, the visitors also get an opportunity to choose their own flavors and mixes. Of course, Zhena’s teas leave them wanting for more!

Do your shopping first, buy at!

ZizZazz Explosive Energy

“The Big Hurt,” ace Major League Baseball player Frank Edward Thomas, Jr. loves his favorite energy drink ZizZazz Explosive Energy. The two time Most Valuable Player relies on ZizZazz to deal with the pressures of the game. In his words, “I can’t believe the difference. I can’t believe the energy that I got every day.” Mix one stick with 2 ounce of water, shake it up, and your drink is ready! You can also mix it with other beverages or eat from the stick. ZizZazz Explosive Energy is loaded with vitamins and contains very small quantity of calories (only 10 calories!). It is an excellent source of essential B Vitamins, Green Tea, Rhodiola, and Ginseng.

This revolutionary product contains less than 1 gram of sugar and there is no crash associated with it. This incredible energy booster provides consistent energy, increased focus, and optimal hydration. It acts and the effects last for long time. ZizZazz comes in four amazing flavors – Cherry Lime, Raspberry Lemon, Pom Mango, and Tangerine. What is Frank Edwards’ favorite? Tangerine! Pick your choicest flavor and savor the gush of energy inside you. A safe and effective formula, ZizZazz is easily portable and does not need refrigeration. So, shake it up.

Do your shopping first, buy at!