Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Useful Ways to Reduce Cholesterol and Promote Good Heart Health

Do you know that each cell of your body has its membrane made up of cholesterol? Cholesterol in good form and at desired level is helpful in facilitating a number of body functions. However, it may turn into a nightmare if its level increases beyond normal value, leading to heart attacks, coronary diseases, and even premature death. Cholesterol management should be one of the top priorities in everyone’s health routine. There are various ways to approach this. First, you must know that cholesterol exists in the form of two components – low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) and high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). While LDLs constitute bad cholesterol, HDLs are the good cholesterol constituents. Cholesterol reduction is possible either by decreasing the value of LDLs or by increasing the number of HDLs. Eating a balanced diet is one good way to achieve this.

The researchers at Stanford University emphasize on higher consumption of whole grain, fruits, legumes, and oatmeal towards cholesterol reduction. Similarly, the specialists at University of Kentucky College of Medicine strongly recommend oatmeal, as it lowers down LDLs without significantly affecting HDLs. Reduce the consumption of food items, like red meat, cheese, and desserts with high sugar content, including cookies, cakes, & chocolates. Also, it is essential to limit saturated fats in diet, while trans fats must be completely avoided, if possible.

Always combine good diet with regular exercise regime to reduce bad cholesterol. Effective stress management is also important because tension can enhance the level of bad cholesterol in bloodstream. Smoking destroys HDLs and should therefore be given up. Some cholesterol reduction drugs, like statin, fibrates, & bile acid sequestrants, significantly lower down the percentage of LDLs, when taken as per strict medical prescriptions. Natural supplements, such as niacin, guggul, circumin, and calcium citrate are gaining importance as healthy alternatives to reduce cholesterol.

The level of cholesterol should help you decide upon the methods of cholesterol reduction best suitable for you. It’s never too late to begin. So, get an appointment with your heart-specialist today!

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