Monday, February 21, 2011

Candida Cleanse

Candida is natural yeast found in the lining of mouth and the intestinal tract of humans. Its presence is usually not linked to any problems. However, its abnormal levels can lead to fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, allergies, mood swings, headaches, frequent colds & flu, constipation, or diarrhea. The disruption of the Candida Balance is usually due to the following factors, such as sedentary lifestyle, preserved foods, high usage of unwanted antibiotics, work related stress, and inhalation of toxins, like mercury & lead.

Candida cleanse is a treatment for infections caused by the yeast present in disproportionate quantities. One of the ways to administer this treatment is to make some alterations in the diet. Include avocado, asparagus, cauliflower, celery, okra, onions, onions, peppers, spinach, etc. in daily meals. Yogurt, probiotics, fish, eggs, dry fruits, millets, brown rice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, garlic, turmeric, rosemary, etc. are other excellent remedies for yeast infections. Avoid citrus fruits, beverages, fizzy drinks, alcohol, mushrooms, mustard, spices, vinegar, sugar, soya sauce, honey, chocolate, and excess oil. Exercise also plays a major role in the Candida cleanse treatment. Walking and cycling can do a world of good to the body. Stress levels should be kept under control; otherwise, it may disrupt the treatment. Candida cleanse treatment may be required once or twice a year unless the desired results are achieved.

The conventional treatment is a three step process. The first phase of a focused cleansing program includes detoxification. Enemas, colonics, laxative fibers, or oxygen colon cleansing are some of the methods employed for eliminating the unwanted quantity of yeast from the body. During the second phase, the yeast is taken out with the aid of antibiotics and other medicines. The third phase is about restoring the desired bacteria in the digestive tract, which could have been eliminated during the treatment. Probiotics and dietary supplements are recommended towards this end. Vitamin C and Bitons are two vitamins that assist the colon cleanse. Supplements that contain dandelion root, milk thistle, burdock root, and Vitamin C help effective liver functioning during the process of a Candida cleanse.

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