Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weight Loss for Women

How many times do you find yourself thinking, “If only I could lose 10 pounds….”? It is hard to find a woman who is satisfied with her body weight and does not want to change a thing about it. A fundamental anatomy of a woman is different from that of a man and many-a-times the reasons for obesity can be very different. For instance, those extra pounds could be due to some hormonal changes related to menopause, conditions like PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), or pregnancy. Women in their late thirties or in pre-menopausal phase, often find it hard to lose weight. It is an imperative to consult your doctor before starting a weight loss program to rule out any medical conditions responsible for the weight gain.

Women today are juggling between managing homes, children, and high-flying corporate jobs, which leave them with very little personal time. Every lady wants to look attractive and it is natural for her to get influenced by the glamour world and media that glorifies the slim feminine forms. They fall prey to various marketing gimmicks and experiment with pills, potions, and gadgets with hope to achieve a quick fix. There is a crucial need for women to understand that to remain healthy, strong, & active, they need to maintain an ideal weight and not necessarily be stick thin. The best way to find out if you are really overweight is to calculate your body mass index (BMI). Here’s the formula:

BMI= [weight / (height x height)] x 703

The weight in the above formula should be in lbs (pounds). If your BMI is between 25 and 30 then you may be considered overweight.

The best way to lose weight is by either decreasing your calorie intake, or accelerate the calorie burning process of the body. Following are some of the simple, yet effective ways for weight management:

  • Eat smart - No crash dieting. Have small frequent meals. Count your calories and stick to healthy food groups, like whole grains, fruits, & vegetables. Avoid junk foods.
  • Regulate your weight - Do not obsess over a slim figure. Find your ideal weight and start working towards it.
  • Find time for exercise - Nothing beats the afterglow of a good workout. Find a good exercise routine that best suits your lifestyle. You can start with 20-minute walk routines.
  • Seek help – Supplement your diet wisely. You can take advice from your doctor or a qualified nutrition expert to choose safe and appropriate weight-loss supplements.

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