Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gamma-O now with CLA, 120 Liqui-Caps, For $52.50

Gamma-O To Build Muscle And Burn Fat!
Gamma-O has been demonstrated to naturally increase testosterone levels and enhance the release of endorphins that lower stress. Used as part of a sound training program, the increase in testosterone and endorphins aids in the development of lean muscle tissue while burning off excess fat without the harmful side effects of s or andro products. Additionally, Gamma-O helps to naturally maintain cholesterol levels already within normal range. Gamma-O also possesses strong antioxidant properties which can protect heart vessels from free-radical damage.
Gamma Oryzanol is a combination of substances found in rice bran oil. In Japan, it is a widely accepted fact that rice bran oil contains many beneficial traits. These traits have been difficult to duplicate in supplements, due to the fact that the human body does not readily absorb these extracts in powder form. We have developed a unique process of transforming the powder extract into a liquid emulsion for enhanced absorption.
Gamma-O has a variety of uses specifically designed to work in conjunction with athletes. This is the most powerful form of Gamma Oryzanol that can be absorbed by the human body. Athletes on Gammo-O experienced increased strength, reduced excess body fat, enhanced energy during workouts and reduced post-workout soreness.

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