Friday, February 24, 2012

The 30 Day Beauty Secret, 30 Packets, From Futurebiotics For $11.37

The Secret of a Woman’s Beauty
American women have traditionally relied on cosmetics to help them look their most attractive. But the secret of a women’s beauty is not to be found in a cosmetic bottle. Creams and cover-ups cannot correct problem nails or lifeless hair and skin.
The secret of your natural beauty lies deep within you. Your body requires essential building blocks to produce the supple skin, lustrous hair and strong nails you desire. That is why the most effective beauty treatment you can give yourself is the glowing good health of superior nutrition, the kind of nutrition provided by The 30-Day Beauty Secret.
The 30-Day Beauty Secret is a radical new concept in total body nutrition that provides you with an unprecedented blend of special nutrients to nurture your most precious gifts, your health and vitality.
In today’s hectic world, stress, environment pollution and internal toxins all take their toll. Cosmetic coverups cannot correct dietary deficiencies and support your inner beauty. The 30-Day Beauty Secret can.

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