Wednesday, March 21, 2012

N1-T, Natural Testosterone, 90 Capsules, N1 T, From Universal @ $22.48

N1-T Shown To Nearly Double Testosterone Levels!

It's hard to gain and retain lean muscle mass. Muscle tissue requires a variety of nutrients and stimuli to grow and remain in the enlarged state. Eating and training at intense levels are the necessary components needed to put on this quality mass, but this will only allow you to come closer to your potential. If you want to realize your body's potential you need to raise the level of testosterone in your body; the free testosterone to total testosterone ratio in particular. Free testosterone is what really matters when strength and size gains are your goal. N1-T is the most potent pro testosterone formula available that will help raise your free testosterone ratio. It combines three of the most scientifically proven boosters, tribulus, longjack and avena sativa, to help increase your total and free testosterone levels. These aren't the cheap and ineffective versions and dosages either. We use only the finest most potent and sought after extracts. As you can see, N1-T is the only complete natural testosterone booster around.

Why Choose Universal Nutrition's N1-T?

It Works: The ingredients that comprise our formula are second to none. Our LongJack 400 Complex uses LJ-100, the finest longjack extract available anywhere that supplies 22% EuryPeptides, 40% glyco saponins and 30% polysacharides, to increase free testosterone levels. This compound has been shown, in human clinical trials, to almost double testosterone, increase free testosterone (the testosterone level that is most important), decrease Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) (the compound that binds to testosterone to keep it in the unusable state), increase IGF1 levels and modulate cortisol levels. Our Test-Stim Complex includes a variety of ingredients that help to elevate both of your testosterone levels: free and total. We use only the best tribulus that is standardized for 60% Testosteroneal saponins as well as 20% protodioscin, which helps to elevate luteinizing hormone (LH). LH, in turn, raises your total testosterone levels. Our avena sativa is standardized for avenacosides A & B, and helps to break bound testosterone off of compounds that keep it from entering into free systemic circulation. With this increase in both total and free testosterone, your strength and drive in the gym will follow, leading to superior lean muscle mass gains

Superior Delivery System: Unlike other testosterone boosting supplements, N1-T uses patented Bioperine, which speeds up the delivery of the compounds necessary to start turning bound testosterone into free testosterone when you need it fastest, right before your workout and while at rest. This should enhance your workout as well as the rapid recovery period that is experienced when your body is at rest at night.

All New Natural Testosterone Enhancing Product N1-T

Eventually your progress will screech to a halt. It's just a simple fact of life as a bodybuilder. That dreaded plateau will undeniably rear its ugly head, no matter how exacting you are with your training and nutrition. This grim reality becomes all the more relevant as your own natural production of testosterone starts to diminish, a process that can begin as soon as your early twenties.

The way bodybuilders combat such a discouraging turn of events is by going back to the drawing board... Addressing deficiencies in their diets, changing their training routines, trying out new supplements... Something, anything to get them back on track. Often, they overlook the simplest thing... Testosterone. On one hand, athletes with naturally abundant testosterone may feel that they have no concerns in this area. Conversely, those with lower test levels wonder how they can address such a problem. In both cases, however, testosterone modulation is the critical piece of the puzzle.

This is where the all new N1-T™ comes in. Universal Nutrition seeks to advance the world of pro testosterone supplements with N1-T™. N1-T™ uses a complementary blend of the most cutting edge, all natural testosterone boosting agents on the planet designed specifically for dual purposes: (1) to help maximize natural testosterone production and (2) to help improve the ratios of something called "free" testosterone to "total" testosterone. In simple terms, free testosterone is the only kind that is useful when it comes to building tissue.

For bodybuilding applications, testosterone is absolutely essential for stimulation of Testosterone activity in the body. Increased testosterone levels lead to more lean muscle mass, increased strength, and enhanced protein synthesis. So, essentially, you can equate abundant testosterone with muscle gain. During puberty, testosterone levels are at their peak. These levels begin to decline around the age of 25. This is where a natural Testosterone amplifier like N1-T can help change things around.

The ingredients in N1-T have been shown in actual human clinical studies to nearly double total testosterone, increase free testosterone by decreasing sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels, boost lutenizing hormone (LH) and suppress the harmful effects of cortisol. Sounds intriguing, right? So, let's take a look at how N1-T™ is able to alter one's internal Testosterone processes.

Picture N1-T as the key to unlocking your body's natural Testosterone potential. The ability to unlock this potential rests in N1-T's specialized Test-Stim Complex. This complex consists of powerful compounds that effectively decrease SHBG levels. SHBG is a hated hormone in the bodybuilding world due to its high-affinity for binding to testosterone.

What this means is that you're left with less circulating free testosterone in your system, which greatly hinders your capabilities. N1-T, with its specialized Test-Stim complex, is able to decrease production of SHBG, thus increasing your body's circulation of free testosterone in the bloodstream. This free testosterone is now active and unbound, ready to exert its Testosterone activity on your body.

But N1-T doesn't stop there. N1-T yields another natural way to effectively increase natural testosterone through LH stimulation. LH is a hormone that directly aids in the manufacturing of testosterone. An elevated level of LH translates into more testosterone circulating through your body. And remember now that there is less SHBG in the body, thus creating the scenario in which testosterone increased by LH stimulation can then reach your receptors and increase a.ism directly.

Our exclusive Test-Stim complex also has the unique ability of increasing Testosterone activity through cortisol suppression. Intense exercise causes a severe rise in cortisol levels. This increase in cortisol, a powerful catabolic stress-hormone, can impede muscle growth. Elevated cortisol breaks down muscle and blocks protein synthesis while slowing glucose utilization. N1-T aids in suppressing cortisol production and prevents muscle-tissue breakdown by enabling greater amino acid uptake for enhanced nitrogen retention, accelerated glucose utilization/glycogen synthesis, and increased protein synthesis.

Now this all sounds great but without proper nutrient transport, these powerful compounds wouldn't be able to exert their full potent Testosterone effects. N1-T answers this with a special patented ingredient that is clinically proven to ensure optimal nutrient uptake, thus giving you the best bang for your buck.

As an ergogenic aid, N1-T will help you in increasing lean muscle mass, reducing fat mass, and improving overall muscle strength and size... Everything a hard training athlete could ever ask for.

For more details visit

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