Friday, November 9, 2012

Foreplay Connect Sensual Love Game @ $12.25

Contents: 1 Game Board, 21 Blue Foreplay Chips (for her to do) & 21 Pink Foreplay Chips (for him to do)
Goal:  The goal of Foreplay Connect is to become the first player to arrange four chips in a row making a Foreplay Connection.  
How to Play:  Foreplay Connect is played on a board with 7 columns and 6 rows. The players have 21 chips each, distinguished by color, pink for her & blue for him. Each colored chip has a forpelay activity printed on it.  Blue chips represent activites that she would perform on him and pink chips represent activities that he would perform on her.  The way to win is to arrange four chips in a row in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line.  
The players take turns dropping chips with the activity of their choice in one of the empty  spaces.  A player wins by placing four of their own chips consecutively in a line making a Foreplay Connection.  The four chips that form a Foreplay Connection must be acted out by the losing player (on the winning player).
If the board is filled completely without any player winning, that game will end in a draw & you must start over. 
Strategy and Tactics:  It important to always check all vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines before making a move. As a general rule of thumb, chips played in the center columns are more valuable than border column chips, because they participate in more potential four-chip lines (and accordingly limit the opponent's opportunities). A good tactic is to connect three chips, thereby preventing the opponent from playing in a certain column.

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