Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Slimmer Weight Loss & Appetite Suppressant, 6 Strips, From Natural Burst @ $6.98

Have you ever heard of HOODIA?

Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum is a brand new product harnessing the powers of African hoodia gordonii to suppress appetite, boost energy, and help you get the body you want! If you’re looking for a slimmer you, and a beautiful body, look no further than Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum!

Hoodia gordonii, found in Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum, is the latest discovery for weight loss. Found only in the desert of South Africa, hoodia is a small cactus-like plant that the native Bushmen have been using for centuries to suppress appetite during their long treks across the desert. It grows in clumps of upright green stems, and while it resembles a cactus it is actually a succulent, the stems of which are commonly eaten by the tribes living in and around the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. While there are about 20 different kinds of hoodia, only the hoodia gordonii variety, as found in Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum, has been shown to have appetite suppressant effects.

News companies from all over the world have been reporting on the exciting new “magic bullet for dieters (msnbc.com),” and Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum has utilized this extraordinary new find to help you lose weight and get the body you’ve been striving for. O magazine has called it “the secret to weight loss,” and 60 Minutes did an entire special on the plant. Lesley Stahl, in her report on hoodia, stated that it “had no after effects,” and that she “wasn’t hungry all day, even when she would normally have a pang around mealtime (cbsnews.com).”

Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum has used this discovery to help deliver real, safe weight loss results. Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum releases a chemical called P57, which is similar to glucose, but 10,000 times more powerful. Its effects are on the hypothalamus, convincing it and the body that you’re full, thus suppressing appetite and removing food cravings. Dr. Richard Dixey of Phytopharm explains it this way:

It goes to the mid-brain and actually makes those nerve cells fire as if you were full. But you have not eaten. Nor do you want to.

The first clinical trials were done with rats that have been bred to eat literally anything, and after being given hoodia, the rats stopped eating completely. Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum really does work to thwart appetite, and you’ve got nothing to lose but the pounds!

Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum works almost immediately, curbing your appetite and reducing your need for food. Hoodia is also a natural mood enhancer, and Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum contains no stimulants, so you won’t get “the shakes,” feel “wired,” be kept awake at night, or feel your heart race. Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum is 100% natural and completely safe.

A British research group studied the effects of P57, the same chemical in Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum, on a group of volunteers. The study showed a statistically significant reduction in overall calorie intake and body fat among the P57 group, with no side effects. Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum can give you these same effects, in a safe and easy chewing-gum!

One piece of Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum contains a 120-mg dose of pure hoodia in micro-sized beads, which are released by chewing the gum and absorbed into the bloodstream through the capillaries that lie close to the surface in the lining of the mouth. This accelerates absorption into the body, as opposed to pills or capsules. Traditional diet pills have to be swallowed with water, and must pass through the digestive system and be filtered by the liver before their active ingredients ever enter the bloodstream.

Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum is absorbed directly, allowing you to get the full dose of hoodia and the full weight loss effects of the product.

The result? With Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum, you’ll feel energized and revitalized. Your urges to snack will be eliminated, and you’ll finally have the control over food cravings you’ve been hoping for. With time, you’ll get into the habit of eating less, and be able to lose weight easily, and the pounds will drop away, safely and naturally! Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum contains no stimulants, and has no known side effects. All you’ll experience is a beautiful new body, with the ease of chewing gum! Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum is a sure thing!

Fighting cravings can be the hardest part of dieting, and we understand that. The urge to snack is a hard one to overcome, but Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum can help, eliminating cravings and helping you cut calories and lose weight. You won’t overeat, but you won’t have to starve either! Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum cuts your appetite while making you feel great! Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum is all-natural, and available without a prescription, online!

In addition to the extraordinary weight-loss benefits of Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum, it also comes with a host of other beneficial effects! It’s a no-calorie snack that helps fight tooth decay between meals, and Freshens breath. Chewing Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum will also help relieve stress, and improve concentration! Chewing gum has been provided for the US Armed Forces for years, to help improve concentration and relieve stress. And chewing Natural Burst Slimmer Chewing Gum as a between-meals snack can help cut total calories more easily! It has a delicious mint burst flavor, and helps to moisten the mouth and improve digestion.

For more details visit www.vitadigest.com

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