Monday, April 16, 2012

Tonalin CLA, 90 Softgels, From Natrol @ $15.50

Tonalin CLA Formulated To Help You Reduce Body Fat And Increase Muscle Retention!

This patented formula can help you reduce body fat and increase muscle retention. CLA or conjugated linoleic acid is a naturally occurring fatty acid in animal tissues and food sources, including beef, poultry, eggs and dairy products such as cheeses, milk and yogurt. Our CLA is produced from linoleic acid, which is found in sunflower and safflower oils. Tonalin is from Safflower oil. CLA may help to limit the uptake of dietary fat by your fat cells. If your uptake is limited, the amount of fat deposited in the cell is reduced, and the size of your fat cells remains small. Other researchers propose that CLA may increase the ability of your body to burn fat. What makes Tonalin CLA different from other weight management products on the market? Tonalin CLA doesn't contain stimulants, and is designed for safe weight management.

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a recently recognized supplement derived from safflower oil. Years of research at the University of Wisconsin indicate that CLA may help "partition" the way energy is stored and utilized which may result in a reduction of body fat and increased muscle retention. Tonalin CLA is the only patented form of conjugated linoleic acid.

For more details visit

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