Thursday, June 7, 2012

Amino Bolic Amino Acids, 210 Caplets, From Ultimate @ $ 35.00

AminoBolic Effectively Increased Protein Synthesis And Recovery Rate!

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and muscle tissue. All types of physiological processes relating to sport; such as energy, recovery, muscle gain, strength gain and fat loss are closely and significantly linked to amino acids. Amino acids have become a major part of athletes' supplementation, especially among bodybuilders. Amino acids are needed to maintain and repair muscles, tendons, skin, ligaments, organs, etc. They also aid in the production of hormones, neurotransmitters, and enzymes that play a role in various bodily functions.

When even one amino acid is deficient, health problems may occur. Eating highly nutritious, high protein meals is the most familiar way to get amino acids into the diet. Even some vegetables and legumes can offer high levels of most amino acids. However, for serious athletes and those on the run, protein supplements and pure free-form amino acids provide a convenient and effective way to supplement dietary needs. Ultimate Nutrition Amino Bolic is a free-form amino acid complex that supplies several of the amino acids most needed by the body, in easy to swallow (and easy to take along to the gym) caplets. The benefits of using free-form amino acids are that because they're small molecules they are much easier to digest and absorb while exercising, and they don't cause bloating or gas.

For more details visit

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