Friday, July 20, 2012

Cytomax, Exercise & Recovery Drink, Grape, 24 oz 1.5 lbs, From CytoSport @$ 11.52

Cytomax Sustained Energy And Electrolytes!

Cytomax is the world's most scientifically advanced complex carbohydrate, electrolyte performance energy drink. Ensures proper hydration, steady energy and reduced fatigue during exercise.

In addition, CYTOMAX contains electrolytes, no sucrose, and just enough sodium. These results are possible because of the discovery of a unique, patented, new energy component: alpha-L-Polylactate (lactate with acid removed, clustered around amino acids and carbohydrates). This type of lactate is efficiently used for energy, like carbohydrate, but enters tissue 2-10 times faster and decreases tissue acidity. Alpha-L-Polylactate combined with our special complex carbohydrates gives you sustained energy. This means that in University studies, athletes had better performance after 3 hours of intense exercise with CYTOMAX than with another leading exercise drink.

CYTOMAX helps keep strength at peak levels longer so you can train harder. If you are trying to improve stamina and speed, CYTOMAX will help you exercise longer with greater comfort. You will be able to expend more calories with less muscle loss. CYTOMAX's lactate-based calories are ideal because they are not easily converted to fat.

For more details visit

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