Friday, July 13, 2012

Iso-MRP Advanced Meal Replacement, Strawberry Milkshake, 2 lbs, Iso MRP, From Nutrabolics @ $21.10

With Isolate Proteins, Organic Carbohydrates, EFA's And Fiber!

For serious bodybuilders and athletes, the notion of eating just three "square meals" a day is not an option. That's because eating more often, up to five or six meals per day, provides a wide range of benefits that help active individuals reach even higher fitness levels. Frequent eating revs up the metabolism due to food's "thermic" effect; helps maintain peak energy levels by aiding blood-sugar balance; and promotes increases in lean tissue by regulating insulin levels and providing a steady flow of amino acids into muscle cells.

ISO-MRP TACTICS: Increase Meal Frequency, and Provide Maximum Nutrition to Reinforce Improvements in Body Composition While it's true that adding supplemental meals to a structured, whole-food eating regimen offers a whole host of benefits, the actual bodybuilding nutritional value of the extra meals is even more critical. To reap the full advantage of eating five to six meals per day, the Research & Development Team at Nutrabolics have designed ISO-MRP, a nutrient-dense food source that delivers ultra-premium isolate proteins, designer organic complex carbohydrates, fiber and health-promoting essential fatty acids in a convenient, easy-to-use drink mix. Simply put, combined with a vigorous weight-training program, ISO-MRP is a surefire way to increase your energy levels, speed recovery, protect and promote building lean tissue, and minimize bodyfat storage.

ISO-MRP's INTEGRALS: Ultra-Premium Proteins, Sequentially Dispersed Carbohydrates and Fiber, plus Select Fatty Acids

For more details visit

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